Thank You!
Each STAR Fellow is supported by a team of research mentors, lab site staff, workshop facilitators, and the STAR staff at Cal Poly, but we in turn are supported by the work and generosity of our funding and industry partners. Each of these partners joins in our efforts because they can see what great catalysts for positive change STAR Fellows are in their schools.
While STAR’s ultimate goal is to provide a better learning experience for K-12 STEM students, our funding partners also do a lot of other good things along the way! They help research facilities solve fundamental research problems in every discipline at multiple sites each and every year while training teacher-researchers and improving industry-academia relations. They help early-career teachers distinguish themselves to employers and improve classroom connectivity through professional conferencing. They help school districts adapt to Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core curriculum shifts by providing Fellows specifically trained to bring innovative investigation approaches to their classrooms.
Our partners are investing not only in the future of our Fellows, but in a better future – period.
Thank you.
STAR Effect
The STEM Teacher and Researcher Program aims to improve the recruitment, preparaion and rentention of K-12 math and science teachers by faciliating their development as teacher-researchers. Since its inception in 2007, STAR has sponsored 640 research placements for 471 aspiring and early career teachers at cooperating national laboratory facilities, university and non-profit research facilities throughout the nation.
National Presence
Partnering with the NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program and regional funders, STAR is a national program with participation from over hal of all US states.

My connections to JPL are priceless. My student LOVED talking with a NASA scientist via Facetime. It’s something many of them will always remember. Thanks for making it possible!”
– 2016 STAR Fellow at NASA JPL